Occasionally you may wish to amend an admin fee to a client. For example, they might be a VIP client. 

To do this, add the PCN as normal.  Before you send the Notify Client email follow the instructions in the below video.  In this case, we remove an admin fee of £70.00 plus VAT and replace it with one for £50.00 plus VAT.  In summary, we invoice the initial transaction of £70.00 plus VAT to show it as received.  Then we raise a credit note transaction for £70.00 and mark it as received so the total received is now zero.  Finally, we raise a new transaction for the new admin fee of £50.00 plus VAT.  We do not mark this as paid though.  The use of the Email tab at the end is there to confirm the amount due is showing as you require.

You can now proceed and send the Notify Client email and your client will be made aware of the fee due.  In the event that you use the Begin Recovery functions then the amount due will reflect your changes.