There may be occasions where you agree to accept a lower admin fee from a client or you need to add or alter an additional charge. 

This process is simple and should take approximately 1 minute. After which you can direct your client to the payment portal to pay. 

To start with, it is important to note that a transaction is not automatically an invoice.  It only becomes an invoice when you mark it as paid.  The same is true with a credit note.


In this example we will reduce an admin fee from £70.00 plus VAT to £40.00 plus VAT.  You could use this process to add unpaid fuel that you paid for a client or a variable fine (such as non-UK fine or M6 Toll).  


In the PCN view click on the Transaction tab, assuming nothing has been paid you should see this.

You need to manually create the invoice for the default admin fee which sets the PCN as fully paid. To do this, click on the solid red 'create invoice' button.  The half red/blue icon is used for creating a partial payment such as when someone pays you in instalments. 

This icon will then change to the download icon. The invoice was created and you can now download the invoice if you wish.  

Now, create a new credit transaction for the £70.00 to cancel out the original admin fee. To do this, click on New Transaction.

The minimum details you can enter are the value (excluding VAT amount) and you need to indicate if it is a debit or credit. In this case you select Credit. You can add notes or an PDQ machine auth-code as well. 

Note - this is where you can view any PDQ auth codes that you enter when you record a payment as made in the main screen.  The Auth code is a searchable field but not visible on the main screen and is useful if you record the auth code for PCN payments and then have to create a chargeback. It can speed up locating a chargeback payment record if you are given the auth code by your issuer. 

Click save to create the credit. As we did for the invoice, click the red icon to create the credit note. This will mark the credit against the PCN and set the total paid back to zero. If you return to the PCN Details tab you will see the number after the date the Admin Fee was paid is now zero. 

Finally, you create a new transaction for whatever amount has been agreed. Do not create the invoice though this time.  Now, if your client visits the portal and enters the PCN reference number the amount due will match your new amount.  That amount will be payable through the portal.

If you are adding an amount for a fine that is not preloaded into Fleetworks (such as a non-UK fine or an M6 fine which has a lot of variations) then ensure you select the Type as Fine and no VAT will be added to the amount.