If you are familiar with the Extension Notification process for PCN's then this operates in a very similar way. The key difference is that Fleetworks will notify you about a situation where an NIP is needed.

Most English, Welsh and Scottish Police Forces will accept a standard Fleetworks digital submission.  There are however a number that will not accept any form of digital submission or they will only accept a digital submission when accompanied by a signed Notice of Intended Prosecution (NIP).

At the time of writing the Police Forces who will require a signed NIP with the standard Fleetworks submission are Thames Valley Police, Warwickshire Police and West Midlands Police. Although this can change at any time. 

If you are processing a PCN from a Force who have requested a signed NIP, then you will see a PCN Issuer note appear after you select the name of the Issuer. 

In addition, where the tick box for Make Representation usually is there will be a message 'Needs NIP'. In the example below the agreement also requires an agreement to be uploaded. 

Fleetworks will prevent you from attempting to Make Representation until the NIP has been uploaded. You will need to sign and print your name on the NIP with the date and then scan it in to your PC.

In order to upload the NIP, add the PCN details and save the new entry. Click on the Documents tab and then New Document. Locate the scanned NIP on your PC and select the Type as Notice of Intended Prosecution from the drop-down list and save. 

When you return to the main PCN Details tab you will see that the Make Representation tick box is available for you in the normal way.