The Chargebacks module in Fleetworks helps you to record, defend and manage your chargebacks. It is widely agreed that prevention of chargebacks is always the best strategy. Most businesses who take card payments will get a chargeback from time to time and when you do get them, then you should always defend them.
Before you begin using the Chargebacks module you will need to ensure that Support have setup your account properly.
Customer Services notifications - One of the functions of Chargebacks is to notify your Customer Services team about a chargeback. This is to ensure that Customer Services are made aware of Chargebacks to prevent clients from seeking a refund for a transaction already being queried. To use this functionality, ensure that Support have added any Customer Service email addresses to the distribution group. You can add multiple email addresses here.
Terms and conditions - many chargeback defences will rely on you demonstrating the client knowingly and willingly participated in the charge and, that the charge was legitimate and within your terms and conditions. For this reason you should ensure that you have submitted a set of your terms and conditions to Support so these can be added automatically to your chargeback defences.
You will also need to ensure that your payment merchants are set-up. In the blue menu bar you will see an option called Merchant Services. When you create a chargeback defence you can potentially submit the defence to your merchant directly from Fleetworks. To use this functionality, add the details of your merchant providers here including the email address that you can send chargeback defences to. If you cannot submit by email then add the email address of the main person who manages chargebacks in your company and then when you create a chargeback defence the system will send them a copy so you can submit it correctly.
You should enter the MID number for each location that you operate. If you operate multiple merchant service providers then you can enter the MID number for each one here. The MID number will then be added to your defence when you create a new chargeback document. You can add up to 2 MID's for each location.