When you have created a debt record you can decide how to process the debt. There are two main methods:
- Internal debt recovery process
- and External recovery process.
You select which method you want to use by using the action buttons at the bottom of the screen.
Internal Recovery
Generally, if a debt was created from a lost chargeback or manually added then you should use the Begin Recovery action box to select the internal recovery process. This is useful because the emails should support moving to a legal process i.e. give appropriate warning before action. This will set the status to Awaiting Payment Internal.
It is imperative that clients are given adequate notice and warning if you intend to use the Small Claims court.
The internal process will send a series of emails to the client explaining the reason for the debt and requesting payment. You can view the emails in the email tab in the normal way.
The sequence is:
- Immediately to client
- 7 days later to client
- A further 7 days later to the client and a reminder to the user.
If a debt remains unpaid at this point we would suggest you move to the external recovery process described below.
External Recovery
If a debt was created from an unpaid PCN then the internal recovery process has already been attempted. If you have another source of debts where you have employed some internal recovery actions such as letters or phone calls then you should use the Pass to Recovery Agent action box.
When you tick the Pass to Recovery Agent action box you may have to select which debt agent you are passing this debt to if you have multiple options available. You will then be shown a dialogue box. This is advising that you may incur costs from the external debt recovery agents if you proceed. Confirm you understand to proceed. The debt details will then be passed to the chosen debt agents Fleetworks access and they will be notified about the new instruction by email.
This will set the status to Awaiting Payment External and the client will be notified that you have passed the debt to an external debt recovery agent.
When you view the summary screen for debts you will see two status markers. Internal Status relates to what you have chosen to do with a debt and if you have opted for a debt agent to act then the Recovery Status is based on the status within the debt agents login.
On the Debt Overview though these will show as Awaiting Payment External.
The debt agents will have access to all documents you have saved to the Documents tab as a PCN, Chargeback or Debt. From their login they can update you about their activity and ultimately record the debt as paid or make recommendations about how you should view the debt.
Fleetworks does not process payments between you and any debt agents. It will be up to you to make financial arrangements about payments.
When a debt agent updates a case you will receive an email and the action will be saved in the Agent Action History tab.
You can add Notes to a case and the debt agent will be able to view the note. Likewise the debt agent can add notes for you to review.
If for any reason you want to cease action on a debt then you can use the Cease Action button at any time. This will notify the debt agent by email. This will not close access to the debt agent to allow them to update the system with any final notes.