In most cases when you trigger the Make Representation action box, the system will apply to reassign the ticket without any issue.  However, there are a number of instances where a request might fail requiring user input to correct the issue. 

If a request fails then the requesting user will receive an email to advise them that action is needed.   In many cases, this will be generated within a few minutes of the reassignment request.  However, due to the way the webapp works this could be up to 24 hours later. 

As well emailing the user, Fleetworks will 'pin' the PCN to the top of the Penalty Charges list.  The status of the ticket will change to reflect the situation.  This is so that any user can process the PCN. In the screenshot below the ticket ending 5426 has been pinned requiring a Details Check. 

When a user clicks to edit the PCN and makes changes, the ticket will revert back to the normal status and no longer be pinned.

There are four query states that you need to be aware of: 

Query Status



Details Check

Either the PCN reference, VRM or issuer are incorrect and the issuers portal does not work with the data provided.

Check the details on the original fine and review any screenshots saved in the Documents tab in Fleetworks.

If the details are correct send a copy of the fine to Fleetworks Admin for advice. If the details are incorrect, then please edit and re-submit.

For some issuers we present an end of hire/agreement date during reassignment. If this is missing or has a value before the offence i.e. the agreement was extended, then adjust or add the end date via the Agreements menu and then Make Rep again.

Fine Not Assignable

If the Fleetworks Webapp cannot proceed with a reassignment request on the issuers portal, it will report this error.

This could be for multiple reasons. 

  • Your client might have appealed directly to the issuer
  • Your client may have paid the fine
  • Some issuers portals will not accept a second reassignment and your supplier may have reassigned this to you already
  • You may be trying to process a fine outside the allowed time period.

Review any screenshots in the Documents tab.

Check the latest issuer letter to verify that you are requesting reassignment within time and not against a Charge Certificate, Order for Recovery, debt letter etc.

If you are within time:

  • resend the Notice of Reassignment submission to yourself
  • print it with the rental/lease agreement 
  • post to the issuer (normal and registered post) to protect your position.

Webcode NeededA webcode is needed to process this fine.
Refer to the Fleetworks PCN Details screen and enter the webcode and resubmit the PCN again.

Address Needed

A drivers address is needed to process this fine.
Refer to the Fleetworks PCN Details screen and enter the address and resubmit the PCN again.