To carry out reassignment, to notify your client and mark the admin fee and fine as paid are very simple tasks. If the fine is the first for the client then it should take no longer than 90 seconds. Subsequent PCNs can normally be processed in less than 20 seconds. 

There are four key considerations when making rep and these are detailed at the bottom of this page. 

From the PCN Overview screen, click the New PCN button. You will be taken to the create PCN screen as below. 

Use your fleet management system to identify the driver.  You can easily check if a client has had a PCN before by searching the drop down list to see if the agreement is listed. If you can locate the agreement number select it and the vehicle(s) associated with that rental will show. 

If a driver has had a change of vehicle go to the Agreements menu, locate the agreement and add the extra vehicle and then return to the Create PCN process.

If you are adding a PCN for a client who has not previously had a PCN processed then you will need to select the Create New tick box where you enter the basic agreement details. You can see this in the video below.

The video below shows a new PCN being processed for an agreement that has not before had a PCN assigned. Ticking the action boxes at the end is how we carry out reassignment, notify the client and mark the PCN as paid etc.  

When selecting the ticket type you will often have options of Assignable and Non-Assignable.  This relates to how you want to handle the ticket. 

For example, you may have a parking fine that you want to reassign to the driver so you would select Parking Fine (Assignable) however if you intended to pay the ticket and bill your client then select Parking Fine(Non-assignable). This option is usually down to your preference but in some cases you will only be presented with Assignable or Non-assignable, not both.  

Another example, UK speeding fines are exclusively assignable however the European speeding fine issuers in Fleetworks often accept a fine payment so you can choose between Assignable and Non-Assignable. Another example might be the Tyne Tunnels in the North East of England, which cannot be assigned and must be paid by the legal owner so only Non-assignable will show. 

Four Important Things To Consider When Making Representation 

  • If you Make Rep and Fleetworks emails you the Notice of Reassignment paperwork then you must print and post the defence to the issuer or use their portal directly.  There are a few issuers (usually Police Forces) where there is no connection between Fleetworks and the issuer. An on screen prompt will appear when you select an issuer where this will happen. 
  • Some Police Force fines you will need to upload a signed NIP before you submit the representation. An on screen prompt will advise you and you will be unable to make representation until you have uploaded the NIP.  You can see more here
  • If a rental was subject to an extension and the signed agreement on file shows different dates to the final agreement length then you should submit evidence in support the reassignment.  Fleetworks will prompt you if you enter agreement dates that do not cover the offence date. Upload the evidence before you make rep.  If you forget and have made representation then delete the PCN and add it again adding the extension documents before you tick Make Rep.  You can see more extension.
  • If you get any reminders, charge certificates, or other follow up letters for any fines and you have already made rep via Fleetworks your user should not just resend the documents again – email the reminder to who will check and advise.